Louis is the happiest when he is riding the rails. Knows all the train letters. And where they go to. Really is a romantic city boy. His Great Grandmother Mary and Great Grandfather Louis, Honeymooned in Coney Island in 1927. photo by : Perry Hagopian
Congratulations to Kate Winslet and Sean Penn.Well deserved. The Academy got it right. Great show by the way. Need better Music..I thought I heard Bonanza at one point. oy vay.Was that also in Slumdog?Maybe, I think they covered everything in that film. Nothing left for future films... haha...well with that many people there are many stories to tell. (Everyone nominated deserved an Oscar this year}.
Woke up with ego in full bloom. Feeling ugly and old and bald and sad. Ego has a hold of me again. Trying to survive it brings misery and graying aura, holding me down and smacking me left and right. Beating me up and to make me sad. I have no right to feel good it says. You must be punished and stripped of your promise. Who are you? Where did you come from? Surely not from this low place. Then why must I go there? They say within me is a part of God. I have known this even in the hardest of times. But I was linked to others. Tonight I feel the separation. I am fit, fat and fine. I know it is only temporary this middle of the night mare.