Saturday, March 27, 2010


There is an Energy splendor that has not gone away. Only now I understand it better. Sure Love is there bonded and cured from another time space. It has it all to do with spirit. We came together to support the flame for life and motivation. All the rest of it was for our spiritual growth. Creating change for the good within ourselves. I have certainly seen how it has made you all a better person. As for myself, well no one is ever sure of oneself. I have dismounted from my high horse that is for sure. I have surrendered to the highest and just grateful for all my Blessings. Seeing you, always inspires me to give it my best.
When the energy is raised to a higher level in each others presence. This is true friendship eternally lite.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Think Big

205 Million , rent a storage bin I guess. Then help the poor. Or pay for Health Insurance.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Henry and Maro

Henry lead singer of "Black Flag" Punk band

Monday, March 15, 2010

Windy Boat Ride

We tried to be serious but impossible. The boat went one way we went the other. Laurel looking forward to the next bash. Frazzeled Filly . Green all this week.

Laurel's Birthday Boat Bash

Char and I getting down. Was that 3 years ago? Yeah when we were young and beautiful. Now we are older and gorgeous. Laughter brings youth. Look forward to seeing you soon. Phillie Phoo

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Always and Forever There is Love

Nothing phases the mighty heart. I am a warrior who acts on purpose of being. This has been my path. There have been a few missions not completed. My Hearty heart, ran in fear of losing herself. She was caught and protected as always. How can one ever fear. When it is known we can only fall into another world. Caught and protected as always.

Friday, March 5, 2010

She sees and breathes

Decisions are made and life goes on and on. Stopped looking for the man that got away. One Universal she/man lives within. Change partners and dance with me. Rise above and beyond, your the mate I have waited for, magic comes.
In dreams of rapture and glorious insight. Awareness breathes into every moment. Create!


She is 12 years old. She can have whatever she wants. haha

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Telling Tales Inside

How small my life has become. Cannot seem to think out of the box. I am doing my best. With each morning comes the thoughts of regret and fear of the unknown. Yet within minutes I can let them go and release them from my mind. This tells me I may not have lost my power of existence. That purpose is buried where laughter is hidden. Trust in the religiousness of laughter and How often we forget to let it pour out, for fear we may offend someone. I miss it. KERR-JUNK; Hopefully I made a space for it again.