Monday, April 28, 2008

My Weekend Healer

He said, "Grandma you look like a Grandpa". haha. He kept caressing my head with such joy in his Being. "If we could be as little children". The Greatest of all Blessings. Thank you Laurel my sweet, sweet daughter in law.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I am close. It will soon be over. I cannot sleep tonight, lights around my left eye flashing electrical messages. I read them. The pulling of the past reveals itself. I need to separate from it. But the pain is to much. Who and what will replace it. Will I be rebuilt anew? With my own.."God Bless the child that's got his own". That's got his own".
Photo by: MARO

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I was reminded. If you want good things to happen, be happy when you pray.
The place where just about everything that is made, said or done is offered as a prayer…Susan from Auroville, India

A Porta Nova, A New Door

Yesterday, Golden Day. An Honoring of a Dream. Angels Singing. Friendships Lingering in agreement and Blessing one another.
A House, A Home, A Refuge. A place of nuturing and warmth. Of Healing of the Spirit, Body and Mind.
"The, "Herbert H. & Sofia P. Reuner Cancer Support House
Kingston, NY

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Feel Your Prayers

Woke up this morning for the first time, calmly and peacefully to the smells of Mother Earth. I am high today on Humanities gifts. It truly is a roller coaster ride. Perhaps, it has always meant to be that way. We must never stifle our pain nor our Divinity. It is our process to a higher consciousness.
by Phi
A Reminder: I am not fixed in time.
I am not fixed in space.
The person I think I am is actually a lingering memory.
The real me lies beyond the five senses.
I am participating in the flux of the cosmos at every instant.
The whole universe conspired to bring about this present moment.
This is Phi's prayer this Day.
From: The Third Jesus, Deepak Chopra

Monday, April 21, 2008


I don't know what happened since "Feelings". The only Peace was when I was digging in the dirt. (Making a place for beauty and growth) makes sense. I dig it! This Cat has been silenced.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


The next two weeks feels like two long railroad tracks along side each other. Compassion has increased a thousandfold. Bless the brave heros and survivors who came before us and who will come after. My heart is filled with passion for them all.

by: Phi

Friday, April 18, 2008


"Where there is discomfort, there lives the highest presence that you seek. Be still and know to be transformed in the revealed insight".
by: Phi

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Debbie Harry

A Good Friend of the "Hagopian's, "Barb Morrison", wrote this song for "Debbie Harry".

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Nicolas Jon

There he was in a field of green alone with his Father. Moving back and forth and right to left and back to himself again. How Glorious and beautifully strong his youthful presence. Then he suddenly turned around and ran towards me with his arms open to embrace me. Tears of joy, we knew each other, he had not forgotten. I held him close to me. My number one Grandson.
by: Nanna

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


by: Diana (Nutmeg spice girl)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Warrior Trance

My friend Nemo gave me this chant tonight on a beautiful stone.
Photo by: MARO


Every other Night is the flame that ignites the sins of the soul.
How does one remain content and in peace in Dali Lama delight?
For in truth we are that Light, we choose.
As the cleansing renews it takes with it, all other's undesirables with it as well. We are multi-tasking in our healing planes.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Today I had Christopher give me a buzz cut. Just to stop my hair from hurting. My first reaction was "I don't look like Demi Moore". haha. Not sure what I look like. A Monk maybe. At least my head does not feel like someone is pulling my hair. It was a memory flashback, of when my mother use to wash my hair. I gave her such a hard time, mainly because of the pain. I think she washed my hair like washing clothes on a scrub board. I guess none of this is funny. I always had a problem with anyone touching my head. Fear it would hurt...who would have thunk it? That here I am in this situation, in my life. Let this be my prayer. Forgiveness for the Fear and the Anguish.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Comedy Relief

Doctor, doctor , who is there? Me, I just got off the boat". "Who, me no gotta the boat!"

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

St. Elmos Fire

This is my third week. Is this Hell? I am burning off unwanted killing cells along with my Joy for Life. None of it matters I suppose, if the end result is what they say it will be. What happens to the other parts of this body of mine? Emotional, Spirit and Mind Body? They are put away and left dormant while the physical body pretends to die. Should I be angry and lash out, or remain calm in my knowing and let it just go? It seems bigger then what I can do about it. All I know is the Universe wakes me up at 3:16 in the morning and I wring my hands and moan. Is this all there is?
The name of St. Elmo is attributed to an Italian derivation of Sant 'Ermo or St. Erasmus (circa 300 A.D.), the patron saint of the early Mediterranean sailors challenging the powers of storm and sea in small sailing vessels.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Cats sleeping together

Once my hair stops hurting. I am hoping a night cap helps. ahh hat!
philly pooh

Friday, April 4, 2008

Most Grateful For All The Cool Cats In My Life


Louis and Momma Lion

Louis is growing up and losing his baby look. Wow where does the time go?
photo by Perry Hagopian

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


"Love is not a feeling, it is an Ability". from: a movie