Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sleepless and Beige

To many thoughts running through my head tonight. Like a swirling world wind of unresolved issues lurking and watching and nudging my mind. Of dentists taking short cuts. Of tech's rushing. Of youth's impatience and total lack of compassion. To busy defending themselves, like some soldier at the gate, believing the castle is theirs. Or that a patient is out to get them. As you can guess I had a bad day yesterday. Qigong added a piece of movement and frustration. There was so much more. But then there was Nemo. Full of everything that is right. Free from restrains and light relaxed moments. Laughter through eyeing the fortune cookie wrong. Simple, true and complete. Thanks for the comedy relief. But like it said, wait till you get home. How can a fortune cookie be right? Or is it the power of suggestion? From my mind to the crown in my hand. hmmm?
by Phi

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