Saturday, September 29, 2007


"Great dancers are not great because of their technique; they are great because of their passion." Martha Graham "Dance like no one is watching". That is what we did last night. Marilyn, Carol, Ujjala and me. "I Woke up chuckling about the serious look on Carol's face". haha. I wonder if anyone took pictures. If my mother and her friends can do it. So can we in 2007. It is all about the dancing. A night to remember.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Senior Prom Sept. 28 2007

I went to the Senior Prom on Friday. Sponsored by Benedictine Hospital. Coordinator Ujjala Schwartz. Although once again without dates. What is very appealing is, A 15 piece band, food and a wonderful bunch of women from our Smart Bells Class.
It was really a blast from way back past. Like World War II. Great food, great company. Ujj got them to play Jailhouse Rock. I danced slow dances and fast. haha. Carol and I did a slow dance. Marilyn and I, laughed so hard we were holding our stomach afterwards. Carol was very serious about it. She loves to dance at all costs. There was Marilyn and Carol sad about not making King and Queen. We danced slow alone at times. We jammed harder then the band did. But we did not care. I think we wore them out with our requests. Carol and I did a waltz. haha. A jitter bug to "In the mood." Ujjala and I did the polka which I could not finish, carol took over. haha. Marilyn, Carol and I finished off the night with a choirs line for "New York, New York. We definately made it a night to remember. Wild and Crazy Women. Thank you God! "Let the Good Times Roll." We will all be walking funny tomorrow but oh tonight it was worth it.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Biking and Celebrating Life

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood. We were given T-shirts, water bottles, numbers to pin on our backs. Plenty of food. There was Me, Sarah, Felicia, Diana, Jean and Yvonne, from oncology support and Mr.Dee and his family were there. Music from Wolf radio DJ's. We had a great time. With a police escort. It was so much easier then when Barbara Sarah and I rode the 5 miles the day before. The cars did not have to dodge around us. haha. We had Cheering sections along the way. Young men and women involved, was very uplifting. Of course, I made them aware while climbing the hills, "NO GEARS GIRLS" while pointing to my bike. haha. Sarah Urech spoke for us as she received a prize for the most money collected from oncology support. Also Jean our new Social Worker won a ski weekend. We had our photos taken unexpected. Diana, Yvonne and I, while standing around talking about genetic testing. We will be in the Kingston Times. Then after plenty of food. Diana and I wanted to go exploring to look for the rail trail. We found one. While riding on it, I said, "The ties are still in this trail..haha. "I don't think this is it." We finally found one behind Super 8..I left her to explore on her own. My feet were cramping and I was in pain from riding the railroad tracks. haha
photo by Maro

Sunday, September 23, 2007


I am biking for Cancer Care today. "ROSEMARY D. GRUNER MEMORIAL CANCER FUND. To help cancer patients and their families. Partnered with the Cancer Center and Health Foundation at BENEDICTINE HOSPITAL.
5 mile ride, wish me luck. You have seen the bike on my blog. No hand brakes, no gears and plenty of hills. Now That's Italian! Plus sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank and a Bar BQ at the finish line.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Harry D. Hagopian


Grandson Louis Wells Hagopian

Look at that face, just look at it. Louis and Coo Coo Cat.
Photo by Perry Hagopian

Thursday, September 20, 2007


"When we are wandering someone always comes to show us the way." Planting Energy where there is none." Thus the Living, Healing Arts!"

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Interview Perry Hagopian

In fashion magazine "marie claire" September issue, page 48. Totally awesome Perry. Proud Mom

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


"To dress is to be Blessed. To undress is to be Free". "Viva la Freedom"?

Monday, September 17, 2007

July 20th 2007, Summer of "07"


Laurel swirling up the Energy for all to Enjoy!

She was a dancing diva. photo by Maro

On the way to go cruising. Jon, Maro and Ginny

They are laughing at Jon's comment about me taking the picture. I have become the subject of their comedy. I love it. I will continue to embarress them. That is my job. haha. As long as they laugh, my heart laughs with them.
click on photo to enlarge.

More of the Cruise, Laurel and Perry Jammin

photo by Maro

More of the Cruise, Jon and Ginny

Look at how she looks at him! It ignites an old memory of my own! Harry D. ahh yeah! photo by Maro

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Ah Passionate Italian's.


To the call of his heart I respond
To the longing in his soul I awaken
To the vision of his seeking I appear
To the depths of his Love I die.

From the book "Garden Dream" by Andrina Lejon
Is there a moon full? haha, phi

Caruso's lyrics

Here are some of the words to Caruso's "Te voglio bene" in his Clown's make-up
A painted tear on his cheek. In his famous opera. click on Pavarotti's caruso to hear the song. The song is way to long to give the total English translation.

Te voglio bene assaima tanto tanto bene saie' una catena ormaiche scioglie il sangue dint'e vene sai... English
I love you very much, very, very much, you know, it is a chain by now that melts the blood inside the veins, you know…

Potenza della liricadove ogni dramma e' un falsoche con un po' di trucco e con la mimicapuoi diventare un altroMa due occhi che ti guardanocosì vicini e veriti fanno scordare le paroleconfondono i pensieri. English he sings

The power of opera, where every drama is a hoax; with a little make-up and with mime, you can become someone else. But two eyes that look at you, so close and real, make you forget the words, confuse your thoughts...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sandra Lynn Twemlow-Johnston

July 22, 1943 - June 26, 200

I opened the red box today. The reality came in a sudden burst of emotion. I kept it at bay as long as I could. But there it was, "What Is It All? is what I viewed. So much of this is Sandy, this phrase I read.

What is it all, when all is told
This constant striving for fame or gold.
The fleeting joys, the bitter tears,
We are only here a few short years,
Nothing our own but silent past,
Loving or hating, nothing can last!
What is it all but a passing through,
A cross for me a cross for you.
Our burden seems heavy,
While others seem light
But God in the end, makes all things right!
He tempers the wind with such loving care,
He knows the burdens each can bear,
Then He changes life's gray
into heavenly gold
Ah! That is all, when all is told!
Author Unknown

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Streams of Might shadows the streams of Light.

We may not get along. We may not see eye to eye on most things. Still there is something unseen before me.

To be proper is to be rigid. To be free is to relax. How does one balance the two? Exit right.

What are dreams made of? Like snow balls and cotton candy they melt in your mouth. Could be the moment is enough.

by phi

Photo by MARO

A photo of the third kind. Kenny Kenny.

Pavarotti Ave Maria

Monday, September 10, 2007

John and Philamena Portanova, Memorial

Anna Maria Domenica Portanova, Phyllis Portanova-Domiano, Antoinette Portanova-Sestack, Rocco Portanova, Nickolas Portanova, Anthony Portanova.

Mary's family: John Joseph Aliano, Louis T. Aliano,III. Debra Aliano, Irene Aliano, Catherine Aliano, Philapina's family: Jean Marie Domiano, Joanne Domiano twins. Nettie's: John Sestack, Ronald Sestack (Gonnie).
In Honor those who have passed before us. All unforgettable characters, who expressed all emotions fully and completely. Leaving an imprint of memories that we can learn and evolve through. May they be Blessed in the Love and the Light, as all paths lead to the "One".
Extended Family: Sandra Twemlow, Jean Marie Boyian, Harry Der Hagopian, Charles Hagopian, Akabi Hagopian, Louis T. Aliano Sr, Charles Aliano, Christina Aliano-Barbieri, Teresa (Tessie) Aliano-Mack, Felice Aliano.
And All who were lost in New York City World Trade Center.

Caravaggio Painting

Friday, September 7, 2007

Luciano Pavarotti sings "Caruso"

My Favorite, Gives me chills

Pavarotti and Bono U2
click on [Pavarotti] Dici che il fiume
trova la via al mare E come il fiume giungerai a me Oltre i confini e le terre assetate Dici che come fiume come fiume L'amore giunger L'amore E non so pi pregare E nell'amore non so pi sperare E quell'amore non so pi aspettare [English translation:]

You say that the river finds the way to the sea
And as the river you'll come to me Beyond the borders and the thirsty lands You say that as a river As river Love will come Love,
And I cannot pray anymore
And I cannot hope in love anymore
And I cannot wait for love anymore


Old Friends are not Old in our eyes, They are only from Yesterday. They will always be seen the same and unchanged. Time is not the enemy Really.
by Philly

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Omega Institute

What a great day for Healing, Relaxing and Laughter. Cool breezes by the Lake was the highlight for me. What a view I had. I kept it all to myself, except Barbara with eyes closed, wanted a blow by blow discription. There he was sitting by the edge of the Lake. Kept getting up and sitting down. And drying off. Then suddenly he stood up and wrapped a towel around his waist and began taking off his bathing suit underneath the towel. He turned around towards us as he begin to put his long pants on. Didn't you know the towel opened a bit, oh yes! I got a peek. haha..As he headed up from the Lake across the lawn, our eyes met and I said to him "Thank You". haha..He had this big grin on his face. I really love making men feel good. haha.
by Philly

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hare Krishna by Steve Perry

In response to the Secret: on this page cursor down.
I am Sure you know this already: "What we admire in others is nothing but a projection of the parts we have "lost" by repressing them. What we envy or hate - it's just the same".
Its Krishna's birthday today. Could be a very good day to celebrate by going within to encounter some of them. Whatever we may fear, they're all good to meet, because they are all a part of us, and we have been less whole without them. They're sure to be much less grouchy for finally being acknowledged. The chance to talk with us. They have had to wait most of a lifetime. For being able to tell us, after so long banished to the wilderness, their truths and their journey - and ours! How we managed to loose them. And why?
Yep, that is bound to help them feel good. No wonder they have been a bit troublesome, having been treated like that!
So here's to wholeness and self-acceptance to mark this special day.
Hare Krishna!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Holiday Date

photo by Maro

Weekend with Big Lou. Painted hands on shirts. I will probably frame. Finding a feather by the doorway between two trees in the backyard near the imagined circle, where we will sit and tell stories some day. Bopping to Elvis. "I like this music grandma". Laughing so hard while practicing his flash cards. Yelling WOO WOO at the top of our lungs, while sitting in the front of the boat getting splashed by the waves. Watching a huge crab getting saved. Lou looking out for me so I don't step on rusted debre. Huffing and Puffing on the Sand dune hike. Soccer on the ocean shore. Digging in and feeling our toes in the sand. Breathing in the salt air. Hearing his words gently upon my ear, "I love you Grandma". The best date I ever had. Big Lou really knows how to show a girl a good time. Thank you my Love, my Life. Oh yeah, Perry and Laurel were there too. haha. Thank you for the great Holiday.
by Bamma