Monday, December 31, 2007

60 and up

What will the 2008 bring? I would like to think it will be the best ever. That is who I am inside. Outside filled with age and the ageless time wrapped up in a cocoon of light, floating in an ocean of dreams. Continuing to value the moment and gathering along the path chosen. For the given path is a lonely one. Who is left to understand? The language of the silent fusion of the young heart longings? Of times past, long gone yet still lingering as if in a package with all the rest of the clan who came here, together; To witness and support the futile dreams and visions of truth. Who will say, "It is all right"? "You will be fine". Surely, there is more of our clan we have yet to meet and know the depth of our voyage. At least that is my hope. If not then, maybe we must step up and not look back. Trust in what is given, be the free soul we always dreamed we could be, without the "If". Just be grateful. Of course.
by Phi



Phyllis Aliano

Friday, December 21, 2007

Solstice Services

Rituals and Services everywhere tonight and all week. Tonight was Father Bruni's and Ujjala's yearly Christmas and Solstice service. His Rose colored aura tonight with Violet color above his head. His truth revealed to vision sweet. As he spoke of the Light that permeates from within and expresses through our being. The value of who we are is born and treasured. Light "Life" our eternal flame.
It was great seeing old friends and a new baby's face in the soft candles glow, in silent prayer for Peace and Good Will to all. I have this to take with me on my trip.
Thank You, to all my dear friends for being in my life. Merry Christmas and Happy New Beginnings. Here's looking at you kid.
Peace! and Love!
Oregano, spice girl 1

Path of the Comet

Happy Solstice

A Christmas Comet

Did you know there is a comet in the skies in the Northeast area of the sky. It has been there since December 14th. Could it be the same kind of star that the wise men seen way long ago. Well it is happening again. Shall we think perhaps another great Avatar is being born on this planet, in this New Age? I will like to be around when he or she begins the mission. Will we be aware or enlightened enough to recognize the truth when it is revealed? At least take note and pass it on to your children. I believe your children's, children will be more aware of the presence.
Check out Google for news..

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My Son Perry's New Cover

This is awesome Perry.
Photo Perry Hagopian

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Eye of the Storm

OK I am brain dead. Two days in my apartment...I never should have turned on the TV..The day started off nice this morning. Opera playing, snow falling, sitting by my front window, a cup of Tea and a good book, "The Shape of Love", by Masaru Emoto. Well it is more about Water. Did you know that If you had two tuning forks and you tapped A Fork and stopped it's vibration, you would find B fork continuing the vibration. Then stop the B fork, the A fork will continue to vibrate. Energy and Vibration. Photographs of crystal water changes form, when certain thoughts are focused on it. We are water and come from, comets in the Universe. You will have to read it. Again Energy and vibration and water mix.....fixed myself a nice breakfast, well it looked like a mess, mash..I have never mastered eggs..but it tasted good. My mistake was turning on the TV...I have been hypnotised. I fell asleep a couple of times..I woke up to "Edgar Cayce story". Cleaned the apt. up and thought I should eat again. Still watching tv. Fell asleep again. oy vay. More TV. Maybe I am a sleeping prophet, with no questioner or no one taking dictation. So I will never know. I think I will go to bed. This A tuning fork has stopped but B fork vibrates in my sleeping nap dreams. Nite,nite.
by Phi
Photo by MARO

Friday, December 14, 2007

It's a Wonderful Life

Why is it we cannot help watching this film, year after year? It always reminds me of a warm Chalet in the Catskill Mountains. The winter of 1993, the whole family on Christmas Eve, all cozy sitting around watching it, as if for the first time. Frank Sinatra music was also playing in the background. As I was recording on my video camera all the old past family photos I had on the walls. Our last Christmas we were all together. I have this moment on film somewhere. "Yes it was a wonderful life". Such a great memory of the love and peace we all felt that night, it still lives in my heart.
Mrs H.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ages Now or Ages Ago?

More dates for the Age of Aquarius
Dear Jonathan,Your colleague suspects we have been in the Age of Aquarius since the fall of Constantinople. The books I read suggest 1987 was the time of change. The Sixties' hippies were 'early'. And if Jesus ushered in a 2,000-year Piscean era, the Aquarian age can only be starting now.Mary

Dear Mary, Christianity notwithstanding, I've long argued against the mooted date of 2046. My money's on the 1780s, when the first hot-air balloons flew. 1453 is a new one on me, as is 1987. But whenever the the New Age kicks in, we will know it.
Taken from Jonathon
What do you think about the New Age? Is it here and now?
Your Metaphysics says; Well 1987 sounds about right to me. Since The Age of Aquarius, is the Age of "I Know!" Consciousness. With PC Computers coming in big time around that time. Nothing seems to be hidden anymore. The Piscean Age, was the "I Feel" Consciousness. Spiritually we are finally understanding the Teachings that were given by the Piscean Age. Thus, "I Know" consciousness seems to have taken over. What do you think?
Vessel of Water pouring down upon us,
miss maro says
i have to agree with your hypothesis. but maybe we're in "i know i feel something but maybe not" consciousness?
December 15, 2007 11:05 AM

A little Snow Making Out Fun

The snow blanket covers the Earth and brings a Clean White and Pure Vision Delight.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Holiday Blues

Not feeling too inspired lately..Those holiday blues have set in. Just have to ride it out. Have a drink and toast those who have come and gone. They have left you joy and tears and a growing desire to praise and honor them. If you were to really look, you could see them standing right next to you especially when you're thinking of them. I was told many years ago in a meditation, first it will come on a machine (computers) to see its manifestation, then you will be able to see without it....vibrating and being able to view it like a hologram with our god given eyes. This may be very much a part of our evolvement as a species. My late husband use to say "Science fiction becomes real. We create with the mind stuff and then it manifests in the physical world." So think good thoughts, enjoy the spirits and the ones who stand beside you while riding out the holiday blues.
by Phi

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Comedy Relief

Wishing you
Happy Holidays, Oh yeah!

Memories Accent

"We fly through life forgetting it is not forever. Yet each moment lingers in the desire to make it last. Perhaps it does in some kind of void that is unseen. Our memories are all frozen in time. Our youth etched in our brain never lost. Lives here and now in this aged casing".
by Phi

Friday, December 7, 2007

Another Christmas In Parkside

Hot stuff.
19 years old. The tree is getting smaller. Down sizing.
That cabinet is a black and white TV. Notice the wire to the rabbit ears on the right.

Sandra Twemlow

Sandy my best friend. 16 years old. Can Can slips under her skirt.. my mom's apt. Old radio in the background. My first job I bought my Mom that couch convert bed. $50.00, $10.00 down and gave 5.00 a month.

That time of year! Memories

Here's KATHY HAYES my best friend, maybe she was 17 years old. Backyard of my apt. Parkside Projects, Detroit, Michigan.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Van Gogh's Stair

This Great painting talks about the journey. I notice there are no straight lines. Everything is round and soft and curvy, and flowing. Our system or this world forces us to live in straight lines. The shortest distance between two dots. Life goes by Faster.
What do you see? make your comments. You can also click to enlarge.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


"We shall not cease from exploring, And the end of our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time".
~T.S. Eliot

Monday, December 3, 2007

Changes and Comments

I am getting irritated with how "Love and Light" has been over done. TRENDY! So it is time to come up with something is a list. Now you will have to comment and write the ones you think are best. Or maybe add some.
click comment, cursor down to write in box, cursor down and send.

"Soft and Brilliant"
"Tender and Shiny"
"Beauty and Willful"
"Artful and Knowledgeable"
"Pleased and Wise"
"Open and Treasured"
"Sky and Land"
"Vessel and Water"

"Sun on Rivers"

Saturday, December 1, 2007

My Music

Doo Wop; Put some Sama Lama in your Ding Dong.
Ranga Danga Doo Da in your Damma Ditty Doo.
Doo Waa Doo Waa in your fool wop.
Domm Domm domm Dee Doo Domm Doo Dee Doo
check them out. Can't forget this famous one. We went nuts.

A Zen Moment

Hafiz broke his vow and damaged his heart, but now, for no reason, his Friend forgives that, and turns, and walks back up to his door. ~
Hafiz From: 'The Hand of Poetry' Inayat Khan/Coleman Barks

Friday, November 30, 2007

Our Home Party

It was great seeing everyone at Oncology Support Holiday Pot Luck. Of course the playback players were great as usual. There were some very important messages. There is a lot of work to be done; so many going through hard times and still willing to live strong and true. There is joy and sadness, both sides of the same coin, are magnified and supported by each other. Makes one want to escape and get drunk. Yeah ok, so I am not very strong in the face of what is happening. I put on a happy face. But hey the human element is weak and unsure. What is there then one can say here? That's Life? No! Rather the compassion that is stimulated moves us to continue to contribute in whatever way our gifts can, now that is living Life. My heart is filled with all of you.
by Phi

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Dialog with Blog

Strange, it seemed to have happened suddenly. There I was in the midst of some kind of new space. Where trails of loss once were, now the space was filled.. Music, simular, chills and such...familiar I imagining this? Is it some kind of third kind lapse?....I have those you know. If it is real, then I must say, wow this is new.... cool....I am has been so long since the night has given way to the noon day sun.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


"So much of our lives are unwritten yet stored in the deep dark shadows of our forgotten streams, waiting for us to recognize the brilliance of the truth we may bare witness too".
Don't ask me what it is I am saying....It just comes....could be past lives or streams of consciousness, however you might view it. As I reread these verses I write. I myself am surprised. Perhaps they are to help one move deeper into unknown areas of our being or toward the center that encompasses the whole. Although, I would like to think it has its own personal meaning for everyone who reads them. I serve to inspire.
by Phi

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


"There is a lightness of Being in the Windows of the Light".

"I rest my head in the warmth of my dreams; In so doing a flame arises with my souls intent."

by Philly

Maro and KooKoo

My daughter Maro, she is responsible for these great photos. She has the eye in the sky viewer. Thank you honey. "Your very talented Billie". Your coo coo mom.

Cottage in Long Island


Checking out Perry's bike battling scrapes on his face. He did not run over the squirral. He is sweet too. Well, Laurel Wells, she is a magical presence.

Louis Wells Hagopian

This is my favorite of Lou. Sweet, sweet boy. My daughter captured his sweetness. That is kookoo Cat. Long Island house.

Autumn of my Life

From Dark Brown to Gray to Redhead.
hmmm.....all most a match! Need to go brighter....
photo by Maro

Monday, November 26, 2007

My Son Perry's Photography

Perry Hagopian Studio, check it out. Beautiful inside and out, just like him.
proud momma

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Zen Moment

"Conceal your practice, work inside. Be ignorant, look foolish. Just keep on doing it. This is called host with host".
From: Essential Zen eds.
Or listen to Andrea Bocelli, Along with the full moon, wow. Grazia.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A New Door

" Blue, Blue talk to Blue, Family wise; Bike ride and bruse delight, a voice uttered in the sleep to ease the fright, Loving God amidst the dismantled dreams, Head Reeling, Instant Healing, Yellow trees and falling leaves without a breeze, Blue, Blue talk to Blue". A Thanksgiving story brought to our life". A Portanova.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007



Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Friend, our closeness is this: anywhere you put your foot, feel me in the firmness under you.
From: Rumi 'The Essential Rumi'

For in our undoing we find ourselves, complete and true and real...
The moment is sweet and forever blessed in Thanksgiving.
by Phi

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Field of Consciousness

The field works as a whole.

It correlates distant events instantly.

It remembers all events.

It exists beyond time and space.

It creates entirely within itself.

Its creation grows and expands in an evolutionary direction.

It is conscious.

"Life After Death", Deepak Chopra

Endless re-created Universe

Without death there can be no present moment, for the last moment has to die to make the next one possible. There can be no present love, for the last emotion has to die to make a new one possible. There can be no present life, for the old cells in my body have to die to make new tissue possible. This is the miracle of creation, which in every second is one thing: Life and death joined in an eternal dance.
To touch the silence of your being, you become the witness.
Rabindranath Tagore said it so movingly.

When I was born and saw the light
I was no stranger in this world
Something inscrutable, shapeless, and without words
Appeared in the form of my mother.

So when I die, the same unknown will appear again
As ever known to me,
And because I love this life
I will love death as well.
from book "Life After Death" Deepak Chopra

Sunday, November 18, 2007


"A Painted Desert feels the impact of the shadows that cross the range of space".
by Philly

Friday, November 16, 2007

Searching Cyberspace

What about the plan? What about meeting in these times? From long long ago, to assist one another on the path toward Awareness and our Truth? How do we abandon these things that was set before we came here. I know I cannot. I will linger as long as I am able. Then when I no longer can. I will think of you and remember the enchantment of bringing the depths of my true self to the surface for my heart and peacefully say, it was all worth it.

Can it be then this searching is only of myself who got lost somewhere in time. Perhaps you know me better then I myself. I know you better then you do. Or maybe I truly do live in illusions. All of you out there, who are you? You are me and I am you. I find myself in you. The part of me who will never be. The shame is the unwillingness to cross the boundaries. What are we afraid of? That we might find ourselves? Our freedom is at stake. So Dream and love and create a better world. That is our greatest purpose. What else is there that we can do here? Feel free to comment.
by Phyllis Aliano

Romance and Cigerettes

A film that tickled my funny bone and nudged my heart back to when musicals were the thing. Seems they have found a way here into the present, thanks to Real life and John Turturro director

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Quotes his and mine

Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion
That it may sing and let it direct your passion with reason
That your passion may live through its own daily resurrection
And like a phoenix rise above its own ashes.
~Kahlil Gibran
I love Gibran his words are like an arrow in my heart.. awakening a source lost in the caverns and crevices of lost and hidden worlds.
~Phyllis Aliano

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Birthday Party Boy

He was very calm before his friends arrived. Then they all came at the same time, all 9 boys and one girl. It was total chaos. The sound level was in need of ear plugs. It freaked him out at first, I am sure because he was trying to figure out how he was going to control his posse. He finally gave in and enjoyed the ride. It only lasted 1 1/2 hours, which seemed like 5...yep he is 5 now....he told me I was beautiful, I swear this kid is a genius. haha...Big Lou, Grandma adores you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Whatever heaven's plan may be, we manage to take detours. ...although it is impossible to get lost.. the universe is very generous.

by Philly

Friday, November 9, 2007

Comedy Relief

Did you miss this one
Aol news on UFO's


Outside ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I'll meet you there. ~ Rumi


True love is that which ennobles the personality, fortifies the heart and sanctifies the existence." - Henri Frédéric Amiel

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Improv Healing Circle

Barbara, Bobbie, Mickie, Moira, Pat, Carol and I.
Tonight we experienced the first magical moments in our whole career as visiting Earth Angels...We encountered the most profound Angel of all. Who brought us to our knees in all humility and praises for having touched our lives. She came upon us, as we came upon her and met us with the most precious spirit of the Divine. She revealed to us her reverent plan and we listened to the trumpets blaring and Angels singing, as we stood there, our knees weak in this wondrous amazing Light. We listened as her son praised and supported her life and all she gave to him and his sister. Many of us have seen her on more then one occasion, with a warm smile and grateful for all her blessings. Tonight her words solemn and True the value of her awakening Truth. Her stone the example of her high vibration the "Amethyst". Her son green "Adventurine", sign of the Healer, heart center and her daughter a "White Heart" pure and loving. There is no other way I can share this experience.
Barbara Sarah gave us the greatest example of social work I have ever encountered.
Peace and Blessings!
Phyllis Hagopian

We may not be alone

Once, all heavenly bodies had poetic names. These days, it's a bit dry. The amazing, exploding comet in the North East each evening, for example, is 17P Holmes. 41 light years further away, there's a star called 55 Cancri. These are not exotic titles but the objects they represent are pretty special. 55 Cancri has several planets orbiting it and though none, yet, has turned out to be 'Earth like', a new discovery now makes it more likely that a world like our own may soon be found. Perhaps the comet portends proof, at last, that we are not alone.
from Jonathon Cainer website

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

quotes and then some

It's not easy being GREEN!

I am an open book with pages missing.

Simple words are my way of seeing the simple ways.

Moonglow travels the cycles of every living beam.

And in conclusion vast areas are covered without a sign.
by Phi

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sundays Bike Ride

We went to the Ferncliff Forest in Rhinebeck, bike in hand, riding and pushing up to the tower. One mile and 5 total...there and back. Took 17 minutes...average speed 6 miles an hour, peak was 14 miles an hour. Took 16 minutes to climb up and 1 minute to come down...Which the ride down was worth the climb up..oow weee. Flying down the rocky rough leaf covered path. Ok we are the thrill seekers. haha. We also met up with other outdoors people from our little corner of Kingston. Diane, Kathy and several other hikers.
Then we decided to continue somewhere behind Super 8, path to 209...well this was another challenging experience. rough and narrow bumpy path that was only 4 miles there and back, but felt like 10 ....Another experience once completed, will never have to do again. We are a narily group of thrill seekers. Purnima was initiated and now we can just cruise onto widely used rail trails....
The whole afternoon was only 3 hours of new and untried trails....We were young again for a while...Till now as I care for my aching body.....Still it was worth it. Diana, Purnima and I...are 3 different spices....who supported one another on the trails of life.
Yeah! Philly

Friday, November 2, 2007


All the signs are there, embrace the lighter side and ride, ride, ride. For to soon it will all be gone all this unknown glitter that feeds and supports our quests for adventure.

I try to understand but the silent bow bends and the arrow flies pass into the unknown.
by Phi

Dia De Los Muertos All Souls Day Too

By celebrating those who came before you, you celebrate your part in the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Honoring those who made your life possible is a wonderful way to acknowledge our debt to death.

Life is But a Dream
What do you think? In Mexico, today is Dia De Los Muertos (or
Day of the Dead). This two-day event honoring those who have passed on, dates back 3,000 years - but it almost didn't survive the Spanish settlers! The problem? Instead of fearing death, the indigenous people of Mexico embraced it. To them, life was a dream and only in death did they become truly awake. Unable to quiet the revelers, the new Spanish government eventually compromised and the festivities were moved to November 1 and 2 to coincide with the Catholic All Saints and All Souls Day celebrations.Are you fully awake in your life?
Aol News, Photo by Maro

Saturday, October 27, 2007


UFO sighting in 1964. An unidentified flying object was photographed by a government employee over the Holloman Air Development Center in New Mexico in 1964. My late husband Harry and I saw the same thing in June 1981. In Frankfort, Pa. . Warren Light Center during Solitice, 4 o'clock AM. Watched it move across the sky then disappearing before our eyes.

While descending an Austrian mountain in 1954, photographer Erich Kaiser captured an image of what he called mysterious silvery-white flying objects.


I saw a Pink Aura today. To me it says innocent and pure as a child. She was recieving the blessings of the healing atmosphere. It was nice and clear. When thoughts of concern for self or negative thoughts come about, flashes of dark cloud like blobs float out of the head area. Be careful of your thoughts and change it for it could affect your beautiful Aura. It did not affect hers, the pink was very strong and clear. She had spiritual staying power with all the support in the room. Energy is an awesome thing.

I also saw a White Aura on a healer while he was being of service today. They say when you see a White Aura, follow him or her. Father Bruni ... I do follow. Follow as in following his example and his words of wisdom. He is powerful yet humble. He praises the Earth and all who are a part of it. He brings love to dis-ease and uses it as a tool through joy for life and gratefulness. These are the qualities of a White Aura.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Well I suppose your wondering why this blog is titled "Your Metaphysics", with all the posts being about personal family experiences. Well, it is like this. Years ago when I decided to give up practicing metaphysics my light began to go out. With many months of contemplation, complete changes and a bit of trauma. I discovered what I really was giving up on, was "Life". This is my life and yours. How do we view it is what is important. Within it are many secrets of perception and how we choose to view it. "I am always looking for the "La La" in life".
Photo by Maro

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Son Jon

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.
Photo by Maro

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


You trust therefore, you may be thought of as suspicious.
You flirt therefore, you may be thought of as fickle.
You laugh therefore, you may be thought of as nervous.
You dream therefore, you may be thought of as naive.
To have one friend who believes in who you are. Then it may be you are real.
It just takes one to change the world of thought.

by philly

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My new license Plate

EDN1487 Eden 1 4 8 7=20=2
Numerology is a
Number 2=You are all about love my Jetta. The most important thing to you is finding a soul mate. Those following a number 2 Life Path tend to be diplomatic, sensitive individuals make great judges, mediators, lawyers counselors or social workers as they bring harmony to all group situations. It is very important for them to get out and socialize. A number 2 that is isolating courts pessimism, lethargy and depression.
Sooo my new car has found a soul mate in me...for sure. She purr's like a kitten. Who loves ya Baby? Philly does! Her true color is Baltic Green Pearl

Monday, October 15, 2007

Love by chance

No one falls in love by choice, it is by CHANCE.
No one stays in love by chance, it is by WORK.
And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by CHOICE.
Author unknown
Sent to me by Hank Detroit

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Weekend to Remember

Our family is a Circus Rink, our performance is far beyond question. People stand in awe at the freedom and chaotic venue. We brought life to a VW Car Dealership. Perhaps a out of the normal Status Quo, kind of life. The Atmosphere was fun and light and funny and very strange at times. My Grandson was pushing his car in and out of the dealership. My daughter was doing a photo shoot and documenting everything that was happening. Shooting my daughter in law, Laurel doing the transaction. In between posing over cars and rushing the salesman into figuring out the figures. While getting certification, so detailing will be taken care of. It all started with Jeremy running up to meet our car in the driveway. Saying your my customer, you have a dirt bike on the top of your car. A professional Bike Rider. We gave him ideas of what we were looking for. While laughing about the"Drive through car dealership. haha..That is when it all began. We found her sitting there, my little Jetta baby. Who was not certified. Lets put it this way, it was the fastest deal ever made in the history of car sales, for a car that was not for sale. We had a list of places we were going to see. Then I said to myself. "Let the Universe guide us". We pulled into the first dealership we saw. It was not on our list. It was wild and crazy and wonderful beginning, of a two day excursion into Kingston, Saugerties and Catskill and Rhinebeck and Apple picking. Louis and all of us had the time of our life. Only Gianni was missed. We had this great big love in. I am truly Blessed! I am most grateful to my beautiful Laurel Wells. Who is the other daughter my Harry and I wanted to have in our wonderful crazy family. Thank you to our great Universe.

Friday, October 12, 2007

She is Gone from Me

She is gone from me oh oh Tragedy! Well I am alive and well oh oh VW for Sale. Yep! I have a new love now.
I totaled my Volvo and I walked away. Thank you God! Life is an Adventure, Jetta style.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


"Does anyone ever ask if there is a mystery in the eye of the beholder"? "Holy viewing is always a real fact similar".
by Philly

Monday, October 8, 2007


A beautiful thing never gives so much pain as does failing to hear and see it. Michelangelo


This is what I do twice a week. Well some what. haha Take a look. You can dance with them. "Try it' you'll like it". I am sure you can purchase one through,

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Wild Life Forum

"Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot come to it through any organisation, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual, nor through any philosophic knowledge or psychological technique. He has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the understanding of the contents of his own mind, through observation and not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection..." Krishnamurti
sent by Steve Perry

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Steve Perry sent me this quote

Our hunky Earth man, who feels the Earth move under his feet.

"Genius is eternal patience." Michelangelo

I suppose it is for me to meditate on. hmmm. It is beyond me that is for sure.

"Patience is a virtue or is it A Way into the Unknown" Philligela

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


To the source of ones true self, is to stand emeshed in ones own view from the top.

Behind ones eyes is the true self waiting to be recognized by the body from which it dwells.

It's a given to be given to.

Music is the voice of the Universe.

by Phyllis Aliano

Grandson Louis

NYC TRANSIT BUS FESTIVAL. To be like a child again. Click on photo to enlarge and check out that face. Photo by MARO

Monday, October 1, 2007

Italian Festival

Don Luigi Aliano, my Big Brother Louie
I Stayed to long at the Big Fat Italian Festival", in Kingston. Great Bands and great old Italian songs. The fireworks were great with musical background. I may not dance for another year. I have had my fill this week and last. I gotta love it. Good way to get it all out, all that passionate stuff that dancers have. haha.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


"Great dancers are not great because of their technique; they are great because of their passion." Martha Graham "Dance like no one is watching". That is what we did last night. Marilyn, Carol, Ujjala and me. "I Woke up chuckling about the serious look on Carol's face". haha. I wonder if anyone took pictures. If my mother and her friends can do it. So can we in 2007. It is all about the dancing. A night to remember.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Senior Prom Sept. 28 2007

I went to the Senior Prom on Friday. Sponsored by Benedictine Hospital. Coordinator Ujjala Schwartz. Although once again without dates. What is very appealing is, A 15 piece band, food and a wonderful bunch of women from our Smart Bells Class.
It was really a blast from way back past. Like World War II. Great food, great company. Ujj got them to play Jailhouse Rock. I danced slow dances and fast. haha. Carol and I did a slow dance. Marilyn and I, laughed so hard we were holding our stomach afterwards. Carol was very serious about it. She loves to dance at all costs. There was Marilyn and Carol sad about not making King and Queen. We danced slow alone at times. We jammed harder then the band did. But we did not care. I think we wore them out with our requests. Carol and I did a waltz. haha. A jitter bug to "In the mood." Ujjala and I did the polka which I could not finish, carol took over. haha. Marilyn, Carol and I finished off the night with a choirs line for "New York, New York. We definately made it a night to remember. Wild and Crazy Women. Thank you God! "Let the Good Times Roll." We will all be walking funny tomorrow but oh tonight it was worth it.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Biking and Celebrating Life

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood. We were given T-shirts, water bottles, numbers to pin on our backs. Plenty of food. There was Me, Sarah, Felicia, Diana, Jean and Yvonne, from oncology support and Mr.Dee and his family were there. Music from Wolf radio DJ's. We had a great time. With a police escort. It was so much easier then when Barbara Sarah and I rode the 5 miles the day before. The cars did not have to dodge around us. haha. We had Cheering sections along the way. Young men and women involved, was very uplifting. Of course, I made them aware while climbing the hills, "NO GEARS GIRLS" while pointing to my bike. haha. Sarah Urech spoke for us as she received a prize for the most money collected from oncology support. Also Jean our new Social Worker won a ski weekend. We had our photos taken unexpected. Diana, Yvonne and I, while standing around talking about genetic testing. We will be in the Kingston Times. Then after plenty of food. Diana and I wanted to go exploring to look for the rail trail. We found one. While riding on it, I said, "The ties are still in this trail..haha. "I don't think this is it." We finally found one behind Super 8..I left her to explore on her own. My feet were cramping and I was in pain from riding the railroad tracks. haha
photo by Maro

Sunday, September 23, 2007


I am biking for Cancer Care today. "ROSEMARY D. GRUNER MEMORIAL CANCER FUND. To help cancer patients and their families. Partnered with the Cancer Center and Health Foundation at BENEDICTINE HOSPITAL.
5 mile ride, wish me luck. You have seen the bike on my blog. No hand brakes, no gears and plenty of hills. Now That's Italian! Plus sponsored by Ulster Savings Bank and a Bar BQ at the finish line.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Harry D. Hagopian


Grandson Louis Wells Hagopian

Look at that face, just look at it. Louis and Coo Coo Cat.
Photo by Perry Hagopian

Thursday, September 20, 2007


"When we are wandering someone always comes to show us the way." Planting Energy where there is none." Thus the Living, Healing Arts!"

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Interview Perry Hagopian

In fashion magazine "marie claire" September issue, page 48. Totally awesome Perry. Proud Mom

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


"To dress is to be Blessed. To undress is to be Free". "Viva la Freedom"?

Monday, September 17, 2007

July 20th 2007, Summer of "07"


Laurel swirling up the Energy for all to Enjoy!

She was a dancing diva. photo by Maro